Sitecore + Lucene Search Result Ranking

As many of you know, Sitecore’s Content Search API does a great job of hiding the complexities of Lucene, thus providing a quick way for implementers to provide search functionality to their end users when building Sitecore websites. Wrapping search in this way also...

Submit Additional Context Data with Sitecore WFFM

This blog post is a little bit high-level, but provides some ideas for capturing context data when filling out Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) forms. When I say context data, I mean certain things related to the user’s current context on the website (like the User ID,...

Sitecore Search API Boost by Date Range

With Sitecore’s Search API, boosting by date range may seem like a simple a straightforward thing to do. Well, it is if you choose the right (or, rather, suggested) way to do it. Let’s start with the way in which it will not work: dateBoostPredicate =...

Field Editor Customization in Sitecore 8

I’m sure that many of you have worked with Experience Editor and have used Sitecore’s built-in functionality to spawn a “Field Editor” modal window in order to allow users to edit more complex fields (such as Multilist or Treelist fields). This is a simple and...

GlassMapper and Sitecore Remote Events

As I was working on a project recently, I realized that when using GlassMapper in events that are triggered remotely (in my case, the publish:end:remote event), I was getting a fairly odd error that looked like this: Failed to map to property ‘<Property...

Sitecore Databases in Amazon RDS

UPDATE: As of July 2016, Amazon RDS fully supports backup and restoration of MS SQL Server backup files. See for more information about that. Considering this,...

Turning Off Analytics in Sitecore 8.1

How do you turn off analytics in Sitecore 8.1? I’ve been asked this question many times now, so I’ll write a quick post about it. In previous versions of Sitecore 8 (prior to 8.1), this setting was in Sitecore.Analytics.config and was called “Analytics.Enabled”. In...

Leveraging the Sitecore Links Database

Sitecore’s Links database is actually a very useful tool when you are dealing with a lot of data and have to come up with creative ways to get information from Sitecore quickly. In one of our recent encounters, we had to present a list of items that were related to...

Sitecore Custom Index Computed Field

In our previous Sitecore application, we sometimes need to have a custom computed index field based on the business requirements.  For example, we might need an extra field for faceting purpose of certain data template. In order to have a custom index field, you need...

Sitecore 8 Dev and SPEAK Pre-compilation

If you’re an avid Sitecore developer, you’ll quickly realize that the initial load times for Sitecore 8 are a bit longer than in previous versions of Sitecore. This is primarily due to a new addition to Sitecore’s “initialize” pipeline, namely “PrecompileSpeakViews”....